Deputy Speaker of Parliament of the Czech Republic Jan Skopeček (ODS) and Vysočina Governor Vítězslav Schrek visited OPTOKON and Datové Centrum Vysočina in Jihlava
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"There are a number of successful Czech companies in our country that compete even in sophisticated products with global brands. Today I was reassured of this in Jihlava and Pelhřimov during a visit to OPTOKON Kable Co., Ltd., s.r.o., OPTOKON, a.s. and Datové Centrum Vysočina.

There are many reasons to be proud of our country and its people," said member of parliament Jan Skopeček on Twitter.

During the visit, he was accompanied by Vysočina Governor Vítězslav Schrek and ODS Vysočina chairwoman Eva Decroix.
Today's joint visit of OPTOKON Kable Co., Ltd., s.r.o. with the Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Jan Skopeček, confirmed to me once again that we have experts in Vysočina who are able to assert themselves throughout the world. Thank you for the interesting invitation to the world of fibre optics. Said Governor Schrek on Facebook.

"I am very glad that the Deputy Speaker made his first trip to visit us in the Highlands. We had a meeting with local business people to discuss the overall situation of the country, including the challenges facing the new government coalition. As an economist, the Vice-President made many interesting remarks and there was a rich discussion on the country's monetary policy, the labour market and environmental policy, among other topics. His visit to Vysočina ended with a discussion with ODS members," said Eva Decroix, chairwoman of ODS Vysočina.
Decroix also confirmed the visit of member of parliament Jan Skopeček to the Jihlava Municipality. No further official information about the visit is available. However, the visit of the high-ranking state official comes at a time when Jihlava is waiting for news from the National Sports Agency about the award of a three hundred million subsidy. During February, Jihlava plans to launch a tender for the contractor for the construction of the Horace multifunctional arena.