Manuals and Software downloads
Read first: OPTOKON test equipment general information
Standard power meters
PM-215E instruction manual (CZ)
PM-215E instruction manual (EN)
PM-212 instruction manual (EN)
PM-212 instruction manual (CZ)
PM-212-SI instruction manual (EN)
PM-212-SI3 instruction manual (EN)
PM-212-MPO instruction manual (EN)
PM-240 instruction manual (EN)
PM-800N instruction manual (CZ)
PM-800N instruction manual (EN)
PM-800-GL Instruction manual (EN)
PM-4212 series instruction manual
Standard Light Source
LS-215 instruction manual (EN)
LS-800 instruction manual (EN)
LS-800 instruction manual (CZ)
LS-240 instruction manual (EN)
FTTH Power Meter
PM-830 instruction manual (EN)
FTTH Light Source
LS-830 instruction manual (EN)
Military test equipment
OFT-920 instruction manual (EN)
Loss Test Sets
OFT-820 instruction manual (EN)
OFT-820 POF instruction manual (EN)
OFT-840 Instruction manual (EN)
OFT-850 Instruction manual (EN)
MOT-200 User Manual (EN)
MOT-940 instruction manual (EN)
MOT-700 OTDR instruction manual (EN)
MOT-500 OTDR User Guide
OTDR Assistant Manual -SOR Interface
OTDR Assistante Manual -TOR Interface
OPTOKON Inspectors:
OPTOKON Fusion Splicers:
OSC-700 Single Fiber Fusion Splicer
USB drivers for OPTOKON Test Equipment
OPTOKON Power Meter Control Software
Smart Protocol 5.1 PC Software (compatible with both old a new generation power meters)
ConfigTool107_1.4.4.1_install (PM4212)
OPM - Optical power monitor 2b (OFT4212)
Data Exporter PC Software
OTDR Assistant
Manuals for SOFTWARE:
Smart Protocol old version
Smart Protocol 3.0
TOP OTDR Viewer (MOT 700 and MOT 940)
For more information, please contact us: SUPPORT@OPTOKON.COM